There's a mall right outside of our university, complete with various stores that are similar to those in the United States, but with different names, as I believe I mentioned before. A walk down a single long street brings you to the center of the city. You must be careful as you walk, however. In order to accommodate for the endless rain that pours during the winter here (and it is currently winter), ditches are built between every road and sidewalk (where there is a sidewalk). Cars also have the right of way here as opposed to pedestrians, which is definitely something that will take some getting used to with some helps from the tugs on my shoulder from my friends.
At the center of the city, we found a park adjacent to a church, complete with street vendors and an incredible amount of greenery. There was also a plaza filled with statues. The statues are all by a single artist who was a drug addict and used art as a way of recovering. We also found a pool and a sports stadium which we are looking into to attend an event.
Towards the end of our day, we were driven down to San Jose to visit the San Jose campus of our university to have general orientation along with the ISA students. Along the way, we quickly discovered that Costa Rican ads are just not the same as those in America...
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